#javi gutierrez x you



Word Count: 17.1k

Warnings:Confessions & angst, car crashes, mentions of death, amnesia, drugs & drinking, gun violence, kidnappings, canon style violence, gun violence, oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, slightly cum play

Comments:You were a childhood friend of Javi Gutierrez, falling in love with him. When you tell him how you feel, you are crushed to learn that he doesn’t feel the same way. Rushing away from him and having an accident that makes you completely forget him, until you tag along to a billionaire’s birthday party where there are supposed to be famous actors in attendance. 

Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers

A/N:This loosely follows the movie The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent but we realized we are horrible at remembering, having only seen it once.  

** The Nic Cage portrayed in this story is the character from TUWOMT and not the real life actor Nicolas Cage. The character is one that the actor in question played himself. Therefore, this is NOT RPF


ClickKeep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says ’creator chooses not to use warnings’. You also agree that you’re the right age to be consuming anything here.


You are the best friend that he could have ever asked for. Possibly at times his only friend. Allowed on the compound whenever you wanted, you would come to play with him, watch movies with him and for a while, Javi would feel normal. It didn’t matter that he was older than you. You didn’t have any expectations of him, there weren’t any of the stern lectures about how he was supposed to act a certain way or be less emotional. It was okay that he liked movies that made him cry when he was with you. Splashing around in the pool while the two of you recreated the scene from Jaws or running through the olive trees screeching and screaming lines from Star Wars, pretending you were on Endor and racing speeder bikes through the forest. Laying in the movie room and making yourselves sick on popcorn and soda while you watch your favorite movies on repeat and argue over which one was the greatest of all. Laughing innocently while Javi got to pretend that his world wasn’t scary. You are probably the person that he cared for on this planet most of all. His person. 

At twenty two years of age, it’s clear to you now that you love Javier. Perhaps you’ve always loved Javi. Since meeting him as a child after your family moved to Mallorca, he has always been there for you. He’s older than you but you’ve never thought of him as an older brother. You have always thought of him as your best friend and as soon as you turned eighteen, you realized you’re in love with him. The night of your birthday, he had invited you over to the compound and given you a beautiful necklace. Engraved with your birthdate and a beautiful diamond in the middle, it took your breath away. At that moment, you wanted to kiss him but you refrained, not wanting to ruin your friendship. Now though, it’s eating you alive. You need to tell him how you feel. So on this beautiful spring day, you drive through the compound until you arrive outside the villa. “Hola.” You greet the guard standing near the stairs making your way up to the front door.

Javi sighs, rubbing the back of his neck and wishing that he had a drink. Or maybe some weed. Anything to take his mind off the disastrous meeting with his father and Lucas. The veiled threats that were slightly sweetened with the manic smile his cousin often wore. There was a slight tint of insanity in his eyes that Javi always tried to laugh off but it is becoming more and more obvious that Lucas would take over the family business with his father passed. Not that Javi minded at all. He didn’t want to be involved with arms dealing around the world. He was not made to be a harbinger of death. He wanted to become a director, a screenwriter. He wanted to make movies that made people laugh, cry and fall in love. All the things that he wanted out of life. Not that he was ever going to be able to have that. He was a Gutierrez and unfortunately, that came with the price of his personal happiness. 

Wiping your hands on your jeans, you make your way into the villa, calling out for Javi. Your heart is pounding and you find him on the balcony, looking over to the Mediterranean. “Javi.” You call out his name, noticing the way his shoulders are hunched over and you know he’s spoken to his father and Lucas today.

Estrella.” Turning to face you, his day instantly gets a little brighter. The way you smile at him makes his worries fall away and he rushes towards you to pull you into his arms for a slightly fiercer than normal hug. You are his star, both because you help him in such a selfless way and because he has always believed that you would be an Oscar winner if you went to Hollywood to be in movies. “This is a surprise.” He hums, pulling back and smiling at you. “Did you want to watch a movie? Con Air?” 

You chuckle at his eagerness to watch any Nic Cage movie possible. You’ve seen every single one with him, always having to rewind the tapes when you sit down to watch a movie because you always forget. “No. No. I- I want to talk to you about something, Jav.” You reach for the hands around your waist, taking them in your own and squeezing them. 

He frowns slightly, “what’s wrong, Estrella?” He asks. 

“Nothing. I mean, it’s not nothing but - Javi. You’re my best friend. Ever since I moved to this beautiful island you’ve been by my side and I am so grateful to have you. Every single day, I am so happy to be your friend. Friend.” You frown, the word tasting bitter in your mouth, “I don’t want to just be friends.” You exhale shakily, looking into those dark eyes. “I love you Javi. I am in love with you.” You confess, bracing yourself for his reaction.

For one brief, shining second, Javi isthrilled. He has been in love with you since you have both been children. Until he remembers the conversation with his father and his cousin. Eyes widened with surprise and the disappointment written on his face is not because he doesn’t love you, but because he knows it is safer that you never know that. “No.” He shakes his head and his heart breaks when he sees the way your own eyes cloud in confusion. He takes your hands gently, pulling them up to his chest and could cry because of how unfair life is. “Estrella, no, you should not love me. I- I don’t- I don’t love you that way.” He lies, words tripping up on his tongue and tasting foreign. It’s safer for you, he reminds himself. “You are my friend, onlymy friend. I - I love someone else.” He tells you, hoping that it would make you feel better and that he can continue to keep you safe by pretending to love someone else.

You aren’t sure what you expected. Well, you do. You hoped he would surge forward and kiss you, tell you he loves you too. You rip your hands from his grip, tears stinging in your eyes, and you know it’s your own fault. He’s not obligated to love you back, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. “I- I understand. I’m sorry. I, uh, I’m gonna go.” You choke, trying not to sob. You don’t want him to see you cry. 

Estrella-” He tries to follow you as you step away from him but you shake your head. 

“It’s fine Javi. It’s fine. I’m just - I’m gonna go.” You tell him, backing up towards the door. 

“Stay.” Javi pleads, not wanting you to leave. 

“I gotta go Jav. Please. Let me go.” You plead, walking to the door and opening the door so you can stumble down the stairs. Javi doesn’t argue, standing by the door and watching you. You turn to look back at him one last time, knowing you can’t be friends with him for a while. It’s too painful, especially if he loves somewhere else. You stumble to your car, unlock it and get in, and you finally let yourself sob once you’re out of the compound and on the road. Tears stream down your cheeks and you need to get home. Driving around the winding roads, you don’t see the bend until it’s too late, the car flying down the cliff and your scream echoes into the distance as your car barrels down the side of the cliff.

Javi feels horrible, moping around for hours before he decides that he’s made a horrible mistake. He should have told you the truth, told you how he felt and let you decide if you wanted to be with him. He rushes towards the door, ready to drive over to your house when the door opens and Lucas steps inside. ¿Adónde vas?” Where are you going? He asks, a strange look in his eyes. 

Javi shakes his head, unwilling to deal with Lucas now. “¡Primo! Tengo que ir a hablar con Estrella, herí sus sentimientos. Tengo que disculparme.” Cousin! I have to go talk to Estrella, I hurt her feelings. I have to apologize. He huffs out as he races by him. 

Lucas reaches out, grabbing his wrist and pulling him back. “Primo, primo, primo.” He tuts, giving Javi a mournful look. “No hay necesidad de disculpas. Ella está muerta. Su coche fue encontrado en el fondo del acantilado.”  Cousin, cousin, cousin. There is no need for apologies. She’s dead. Her car was found at the bottom of the cliff.

Javi blanches and shakes his head. “No! She’s not dead!” He cries, struggling to push past Lucas to get to his car, determined to find you at your house and beg you for forgiveness.

Lucas keeps a tight grip on his cousin, his face showing faux sympathy as he pulls Javi into his arms. “Primo. She’s gone.” Lucas declares but Javi won’t accept it, shoving Lucas away so he can get to his car, but Lucas stops him in his tracks when he pulls out his phone. “I spoke to the police. They sent these photos.” He hands the phone to Javi so he can see the photos of your car, the way it’s crushed, and finally the photo of you, eyes closed with bruises and gashes all over your body. Blood everywhere. It’s gruesome and Lucas watches Javi stare at the photo.

His eyes cinch shut and he screams, throwing the phone against the door and shattering the device, missing the way that his cousin smirks. “No, no, no.” Javi sinks to his knees, anguish overwhelming him like he’s witnessed a thousand times in movies and never understood until this moment. You are gone. Never to laugh with him or look up at him with those expressive eyes of yours. His heart shatters as he wails and cries on the floor of his beautiful villa, now dim and dreary because you are gone.

“Lo siento, primo.” Sorry, cousin. Lucas forces out, reaching down to rub his cousin’s back as he sobs. This had to happen. It was for the best. Perhaps now Javi can stop dreaming of Hollywood and become an active member of the family. Working hard instead of daydreaming. “Come on, let’s get you a drink.” Lucas says, snapping his fingers at the housekeeper who walked in when she heard the smash. “Whiskey.” He orders without a please or thank you. Javi continues to sob, mourning your death. Lucas smirks to himself as he rubs his cousin’s back. His plan worked.


Javi looks around the party, plastering a smile on his face and taking a sip of the champagne he doesn’t really want. This party is ostentatious and not him. At least not the real Javi Gutierrez, that man died ten years ago when you did. He tries to not think about you, he really does. Although it was hard when he got Nic Cage to come out here. Imagining how you would have been starstruck with him. Ten years. Your parents had you quickly cremated, not that Javi would have been up for going to a funeral service. He had been stuck in a horrible funk, drunk and high for nearly two weeks before Lucas had pulled him out of it. Or, maybe it was just that his cousin stopped feeding him the drugs and booze. Either way, when he sobered up, you were gone and your parents had decided to move back to your country, taking all your belongings with them. He had nothing but the small gifts you had given him over the years to remember you by. Sighing, he takes another sip of his champagne and looks around the garden.

You follow your friend Alejandro as he guides you through the fancy party. Invited by a friend of a friend, you have no idea who the party is for but you had heard some casting directors and producers would be present as they vacation in Mallorca. You grin as you follow Alejandro, your dress swaying around your legs. You’ve dressed to the nines. Once you have a glass of champagne, you stand and watch the crowd, wondering if you can find any familiar faces, and that’s when you see him. The most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life. His dark eyes meet yours and you lift your glass towards him in greeting.

Feeling like he’s been kicked in the chest, Javi gasps. “Estrella.” He murmurs softly, blinking to make sure he’s not dreaming of you standing there looking like a gorgeous angel. Alive and healthy. Except you are, smiling at him as you toast him, like you haven’t been missing from his heart - his life everyday for the past ten years. “Estrella!” He abandons the guest who had been talking near him and rushes over to you, scooping you up in his arms in a crushing hug. “I- where have you been? I have missed you so much!” He breathes out, tears forming in his eyes in happiness that you are back. 

You frown, pulling away from the man. “Excuse me. Do I - do I know you?” You ask, tilting your head as you gently push out of his tight grip, confused by the familiarity in his voice. 

“Do you- I don’t understand. It’s me. Javi.” He says, gesturing to himself and his brow furrows. 

“I’m sorry señor, I’ve never met you before in my life.” You tell him, looking into his eyes.

Looking at you for a second, Javi starts laughing. Grinning from ear to ear as he thinks that you are joking. He shakes his head and wags his finger at you. “You had me for a second. You really did! Never met me before.” He scoffs playfully, ignoring the questions that he wants to ask. You are here now and that is all that matters. He will convince you to stay and then he can find out why they told him you were dead. “Like we didn’t swim in that pool every day during the summer.” He tells you, nodding towards the crystal clear water of the infinity pool. 

You shake your head, “you’ve mistaken me for someone else. I’ve never been here before. I’ve never seen you before. I’m - I’m sorry but you’re confused. My name isn’t Estrella. I’m - I’ve never - I’m sorry.” You finish, confused at his behavior. He must have you confused with someone else.

“No-” He says your real name, confused as to why you are keeping up this charade of not knowing him. “I call you Estrella because you are my star. Were my star.” He frowns, not noticing your eyes have widened when he used your real name. “Where have you been?”

You are so confused as to how he knows your name. “I- I’ve been on the island. Working. I’m trying to be an actress and my friend told me this party would have producers. I usually work in a restaurant down in the town. I’m so fucking confused. How do you know my name?” You start to panic, catching Alejandro’s eyes as he starts to come towards you with a look of concern.

“Why are you-” 

“Alejandro Rodrigez.” Your friend interrupts Javi with a charming smile and an extended hand, making Javi frown but manners makes him abandon his question and plaster a smile on his face. 

“Javi Gutierrez. This is my party.” He says, eyes flickering over to you. “Are you- um, together?” He asks, wondering if you had signaled your boyfriend to get away from him. If so, why had you come? To rub it in his face?

Alejandro laughs, wrapping his arm around your waist. “She’s beautiful but she’s not my type. You on the other hand…” Alejandro trails off, his eyes tracing Javier’s figure in his suit, and you can’t help but giggle a little. 

“You must have confused me with someone else. I swear I’ve never met you before. Besides, now I know who to say ‘happy birthday’ to.” You offer him a sweet smile and lean in to kiss his cheek. “Feliz cumpleaños.” You murmur, pulling away from him and you wince, reaching up to touch your forehead. “Shit. Headache again.” You tell Alejandro, knowing he will help you through it.

Javi watches you walk away, confused and upset that you are still saying that you don’t know him. Motioning to Gabriella, he draws her over to his side. “That woman right there.” He tells the woman who is his personal assistant. “Find out everything you can about her.” He demands. “Tonight.”

Gabriella nods, watching you as you are escorted away, your hand on your head. “What’s her name?” She asks Javi. 

“Estre-” He cuts himself off and tells her your full name. 

“How do you know her?” Gabriella asks. Javier has never spoken about you since she started working for him. 

“She’s the woman I love.” Javier declares, knowing that fact to still be true. Gabriella’s heart aches a little at the news that he loves another but she remains professional, knowing her crush isn’t Javier’s problem. 

“I’ll let you know what I can find out.” After Gabriella walks off, Javier tries to distract himself by hanging around with Nick. It’s hard to focus on anything but you. 

“So I was filming Peggy Sue and I-” Nick cuts himself off when Alejandro, your friend approaches Nick and Javier. 

“Apologies for the interruption I would like to-” 

“Autograph? Photo?” Nick cuts him off with guesses and Alejandro shakes his head. 

“No, thank you though Mr. Cage, I’d like to speak to Javier.”

“Me?“ Javi’s brow shoots up and Nic frowns for a moment before he nods. “Sure, sure.” He picks up his whiskey glass and turns around to find a waiter to refill it for him. Javi turns to the other man, wishing that you were beside him. “I have to say that you are not my type.” He admits quickly, not wishing to hurt the man’s feelings, but you are the one he loves. “But I am flattered.”

Alejandro chuckles, shaking his head. “Oh trust me, guapo. I would love to have you in my bed but I know I’m not the one you want. How do you know her? She - she doesn’t remember much before…” He trails off. 

“Before?” Javi frowns. 

“Before the accident. Car accident. She was twenty two. Her mind - she lost her memories. Took her months to function properly because she nearly died. They didn’t think she would survive. She’s a fighter. She’s…fucking strong. I just- I figured you might’ve known her before the accident.” Alejandro tells the birthday boy.

Javi chokes out a small sob and nods. “Yes! I did. I - they told me she died. Her parents moved away and -“ He bites his lip, tears behind his eyes being quickly blinked back. “I- her accident was my fault.” He whispers, ashamed of what had happened. “She was upset at me and left the house. I- they said she missed a turn and her car went over a cliff about a kilometer from here.”

Alejandro nods, seeing how upset the man is. “I’m sure it wasn’t your fault. She’s - she’s strong. She survived. She doesn’t remember you though. It seems like you trigger something in her. She - she gets these headaches when someone or something feels familiar to her. She doesn’t remember anything before the accident.” Alejandro reveals.

Oh.” Javi’s shoulders slump in disappointment but he thinks of something, desperate to keep you close so he can spend time with you. “She said she was an actress.” He says excitedly. “She should stay here, as my guest.” He looks over to Nic. “Nic Cage is going to hopefully agree to star in my movie. I wrote a screenplay and he’s reading it.” 

Alejandro’s eyebrows raise in surprise. “You wrote a screenplay?” He asks and Javier nods. “She’s struggling. A waitress for now. She keeps auditioning via video but she can’t afford to fly to L.A or London to try and catch a break. She’s…she’s amazing. She’s got talent. If you do ask her to stay with you and she agrees…you better not hurt her. I’ll kill you if you do. No matter who your family is. I’ll fucking kill you.” Alejandro warns, straightening his back.

Javi knows exactly what the other man is saying and nods quickly with his eyes wide and pleading with the other man to trust him. “Believe me, I would never want to hurt her.” He sighs and bites his lip, looking over at where Lucas and one of his friends are laughing. “I told her that I didn’t love her to keep her safe from my family, but I regretted it. Especially when-” He chokes back a small sound, “when I thought my selfishness had killed her.”

The news that Javi loves you is enough to make Alejandro take note. You’ve dated but nothing serious. It always seemed like your heart was behind a wall, like it belonged to someone unknown. Now he understands. You loved Javier. Perhaps this will be your big break, meeting Nic Cage and getting contacts. Plus it wouldn’t hurt if you rediscovered your memory through the process. “I’ll talk to her. This is a big opportunity for her and I want her to take it. I want you to tell her that you knew her, explain what you were to each other…as friends.”

Agreeing quickly, Javi feels his heart start to pound in his chest. The idea of being able to talk to you, get to know you again and maybe cause you to remember the way that the two of you used to be. “Absolutely. I will make sure this is what she needs.” He promises, even if he has to pay Nic more money to make sure that you have the contacts you need to make it big, he will do it. It will be worth it to him. 

You are about to leave the party when the birthday boy appears, wringing his hands together and biting his lip. He calls your name and you turn to look at him. “Did you have a good birthday?” You ask, tilting your head and offering him a smile as you grip your clutch bag.

“I did.” Javi nods and smiles at you, wishing you remembered something about him. “Especially when Nic said he is going to stay and work on a script with me.” His eyes light up, remembering the times he had told you he was going to work with the actor while you were watching his movies. “I know that you don’t remember me, Estrella, but I- I wanted to offer you an opportunity.” He chickens out on telling you that you were friends right away. “With Nic here, I would like you to stay as my guest. Get close to him and use the connections he has.”

Your eyes widen, shocked at his offer. Part of you is excited for the opportunity, the other part of you is confused. “I- I thank you for the opportunity but…why me?” You ask, frowning at him. He seems genuine but you need to know the reason why he feels so familiar.

He takes a deep breath, aware that you could completely reject the information he is telling you. “You lived down the road from me since you were six.” He murmurs softly. “We met one day in the olive groves, I was- well, from the beginning, you were my shadow - my best friend.” He knows it’s silly, sounds strange that a girl eight years younger than him could be his best friend, but you were. “Until- until your accident.” 

Your head begins to hurt, wishing you could remember your childhood, your memories before the accident. “You - we were best friends?” You ask and he nods. You wonder if he could be the key to your memories. Plus the opportunities… You think for a moment, “okay. I, uh, I gotta get some clothes. My things. I don’t have anything. I can come back tomorrow.” You tell him, knowing this is crazy but you can’t miss this chance.

“Stay tonight.” Javi reaches for your hand and pleads with you. Desperate for you to stay and half afraid that you wouldn’t come back. “You can borrow something to sleep in. I- of course you would have your own room.” He looks around at the people starting to leave and sighs. “It’s late and I would hate for you to - to -” He breaks off, not even wanting to voice the idea of you getting into another accident. “Please.” 

You glance at Alejandro who nods, “I can bring your things tomorrow, chica.” He promises, and you turn to look back at Javi. 

“Okay. I’ll stay.” You offer him a small smile, squeezing his hand. He looks relieved and that makes your heart thump. “I’ll stay.” You tell him, wondering how this is going to end up.

“Great!” Javi chuckles happily as he beams at you. Rooms had been made up for any guests who drank too much but he knows where he wants to put you. “I will show you to your room. It’s magnificent.” He promises, holding out his hand for you to take.

You glance back at Alejandro who nods, offering you a reassuring smile. You turn back to Javi, taking his hand, and you let him guide you away from the exiting guests as you walk into the villa. The entrance seems familiar and you can’t help but like the feeling of his hand in yours. “I can’t thank you enough for this opportunity but this room is - it’s too much.” You tell Javi once he escorts you to the room. It’s beautiful, bigger than your house.

“Not at all.” Javi protests, shaking his head. If you had never left that night, if he had told you how he felt, you would be living here. “This is perfect for you.” He smiles and nods towards the bed. “Do you still like your pillows extra fluffy so you can sink into them like Ariel on The Little Mermaid?” He asks softly.

Your head turns to look at him in surprise. “I- I rewatched that movie after the accident and - I have fluffy pillows at home to do that. How did you-?” You cut yourself off, realizing that he’s either telling the truth or some weirdo stalker who’s been following your every move. “I just need my dingle-hopper.” You tease, smirking at him as you walk over to the bed to caress the linen bedding. “I’m sorry I don’t remember you.” You tell him, feeling guilty that he’s doing all of this for you.

“Don’t be sorry.” Javi watches you, feeling calmer and happier than he’s been for years. “I’m just happy you are here now.” He murmurs, unable to keep his eyes off of you. Afraid you will disappear. “I’ll go get you a shirt to sleep in. And even let you borrow my dingle-hopper.” He jokes, flashing your a grin. “This- this is the best birthday present I’ve ever gotten. Seeing you again.”

“I’m glad.” Your heart flutters at his words, the look in his eyes. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he loves you. Impossible as it is. He hasn’t seen you for ten years. “Thanks.” You murmur, watching him walk off to get you a shirt. When he comes back, you have your heels off and you’re struggling with the zipper of your dress, reaching behind you to try and pull it down.

“Let me help you.” Javi rushes over and tosses the shirt down on the bed, taking over and pulling the zipper of your dress down your spine. Imagining what it would be like to kiss your shoulders while he does it. Helping you undress so he can make love to you. But you don’t know who he is, so he backs away when he’s finished, ignoring the top of your black lace panties showing where the material is gaping. “I- I brought you a shirt. It’s really comfortable. And all the necessities for staying are in the bathroom. Except the dingle-hopper.” He grins. “I brought mine for you to use.”

You chuckle, trying to ignore the way your skin tingles from where his fingers brushed your spine as he pulled the zipper down. “Thanks for everything. It’s strange, this place feels so familiar.” You tell him, glancing around the room.

“You spent a lot of time here.” Javi tells you. “I wasn’t allowed to leave the estate until I was older so you would come here.” He murmurs. “Your parents never minded, they knew you were taken care of, so you would spend all day here during the summer.” He sighs and looks around the room, the one he had used when he was younger before his father died and he took over the main bedroom.

You smile, “I hope I can regain my memories. I try but it always feels like a fuzzy film when I try to think back that far. I’m sure you want to get to bed. I’m exhausted too. Thanks Javi. I- I’m excited to be here.” You tell him, unable to suppress the yawn that comes a few seconds later.

Javi gives you an indulgent smile. “Sleep, Estrella. You must be tired after the party and having things change so rapidly.” He resists the urge to lean in to kiss you, knowing that he is still a stranger to you. “Tomorrow is a new day.” 

You nod, grabbing the shirt. “Goodnight Javi.” You offer him a smile. He nods, “goodnight, Estrella.” He steps towards the door, offering you one last look before he shuts the door behind him. You quickly change, washing your face and brushing your teeth with the new toothbrush in the drawer, before you get into the bed, groaning at how soft it is.

Javi walks back to his room, heart pounding in his chest. He can’t believe that you are alive, that you are back underneath his roof. Taking off his jacket, he starts to unbutton his shirt to get ready for bed himself. Eager to go to sleep so he can wake up and see you in the morning. 

The next morning, Javier and Nic are enjoying breakfast on the veranda when Nic notices the way Javi keeps looking at the doors. “Waiting for someone?” He asks, noticing the impatience in his host. 

“I, uh…” Javi feels guilty, he should be giving all of his time to his guest, but you are his guest too. 

“Come on Jav, spit it out. What’s really going on here?”

Javi sighs and looks away from the door and gives Nic an apologetic look. “You must forgive me Mr. Cage. Last night, an angel walked back into my life.” He tells him, his eyes softening at the mere mention of you. “My best friend. A woman that I thought was dead for the last ten years.” He reaches for his orange juice and takes a sip. “I- she was -is - everything to me.” 

Nic nods, “I get it, Jav. Childhood sweetheart? So what the hell happened? She doesn’t love you back? Why aren’t you having freaking birthday sex instead of sitting here with me?” Nic chuckles.

Javi’s body reacts to the idea of birthday sex with you, but he shakes his head. “She told me she loved me before she left.” He admits quietly. “I - it’s…complicated, so I lied and told her I didn’t feel the same. She crashed her car that night and apparently she doesn’t remember anything about me.” He sighs dejectedly and looks over at Nic again. “I still lo-” 

“Hello.” His head turns quickly to find you hovering the doorway and he springs up from his seat. 

“Estrella!” He greets you, moving over to guide you to the table. “Good morning. How did you sleep?”

You smile at Javi, nerves in your stomach from both your so-called childhood friend and the famous Oscar-winning actor seated at the table. You pull down the shirt you’re wearing, sitting down and your eyes widen at the pastries on display. “Wow. This is - this is a breakfast.” You comment, looking at the fruit and coffee pot. 

“Delicious. One thing I love about Europe…continental breakfast. I’m Nic, nice to meet you, Estrella.” He nods his head. 

“Oh, my name isn’t Estrella.” You fluster and tell him your real name. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Cage. I’ve seen a couple of your movies.”

“Well, thank you.” Nic says, looking over at Javi as he settles back down and pours you a glass of juice and a cup of coffee, adding sugar and creamer exactly as you take it before he passes it over to you. “You know, Estrella would be a good stage name.” He offers you. “If your name is already taken in SAG.” 

“Thank you.” You smile at Javi. Taking the coffee from Javi, you are taken back by the fact that he knows how you take your coffee. Turning to look back at Nic, you chuckle nervously, “that would be a marvelous problem to have. I don’t - I would love to be an actress but I don’t - it’s hard to get into the business. I’ve done local plays but nothing at the same scale as your career. You’re - you’ve won an Oscar. I mean, it doesn’t get better than that.”

Nic looks over at Javi, leaning on the table with hand cradling his jaw as he moons over you. It’s sweet, the way that the actor could almost see stars in his eyes. “Well, lucky for you, Javi is writing a script with me!” He tells you, motioning over to Javi. 

The other man quickly straightens up and nods eagerly. “We are, you should be in it!” Javi quickly tells you.

“What’s it about?” You ask, looking at Javi and he bites his lip. 

“We are figuring it out.” He confesses, wishing he could tell you more. 

“We are ironing out the details.” Nic says, waving his hand. “So…want to audition?” He asks, raising his eyebrows at you. He thinks you’d look great on camera. Now he just needs to see what you’ve got. 

“Oh. Now? I- I don’t have anything prepared.” You fluster. 

“Anything in your memory?” Nic asks. 

You bite your lip, “I, uh, I might have a part of a monologue from a play stored up there. Okay. Okay.” You exhale shakily, suddenly nervous. “George, it’s impossible. You can’t - it’s not safe. You can’t go. I’ll be fine by myself but you need to take care of yourself now that you’ve got a wife and child. It’s no longer about me. About us. Our love…it’s still there. I can feel it. Can you? It- we missed our chance and there’s nothing we can do about it now. You need - you need to leave.” You put everything you have into the impromptu monologue.

Javi is entranced, clapping enthusiastically as soon as you finish. “Yes! Yes! Magnificent!” He praises you, knowing that even if you weren’t the woman he loves he would have thought it was amazing. “It’s soulful, making me yearn for missed connections.” He tells you, reminded of his own missed connection with you ten years ago. His fault of course, but still, it moves him. He looks over at Nic expectantly, ready to hear his thoughts on your monologue.

Nic tilts his head, watching you for several moments, and you fidget in your seat. He raises his hands, pressing them together and bowing his head towards you as a sign of respect. “You know your shit, little lady. Just need some refinement which is what Hollywood will do for you. Fuck. We are gonna write a damn good movie.” You grin, unable to believe he actually liked your monologue.

Grinning happily, Javi looks between you and Nic, excited for what will happen. He squirms slightly, happy that you will be here so you can spend extra time with him and hopefully recover some of your memories of him. He’s selfishly wanting you to remember that you love him, so he can tell you how much he loves you, how much he regrets denying it. “Eat.” Javi motions to the food. “Alejandro should be here soon with your things and you can settle in for as long as the script takes.” 

You nod, picking up a croissant and tearing it up before eating a piece. It’s strange how comfortable you feel around Javi, like you’ve known him your entire life. You wish you could remember him, all those lost memories. Later that afternoon, you join Javier on a walk along the beach and you turn to look at him. The sunlight playing in his hair makes him look angelic. “So…what did we used to do as kids? Maybe we can try and recreate a memory to see if it triggers my brain.”

Javi smiles, looking down at the sand on his feet, cuffs off his pants rolled up and the waves rushing up to lap at his toes. “We used to run through the olive groves, pretending we were on speeder bikes. You always wanted me to chase you.” He tells you with a laugh. “Swimming in the pool and reenacting Jaws with the float things.” He chuckles and looks over at where you are watching him intently, blushing slightly and looking back down at the sand. “Watching movies, telling each other our hopes and dreams.” He stops and grins, looking up at the cliff with an idea. He points up to it. “Jumping off that cliff right there.” 

Your eyes widen and you grin. “Really? We jumped off of that?” You shake your head at him, “no way. Javi. I- I can’t believe I jumped off of that.” You laugh, slapping his shoulder. You look at him when you both calm down. “What are your hopes and dreams?” You ask him.

“To write movies.” Javi tells you with a gleam in his eyes. “Tell stories, be a part of the magic.” He pauses and bites his lip. “To be with the woman that I love.” He murmurs softly, knowing that you would not believe that it is you. 

Your heart thumps in your chest, looking into those dark eyes, and you swallow down the urge to just kiss him. You barely know him. “I’m sure you’ll achieve all of your dreams, Javi. You seem like the kind of man who wouldn’t let anyone or anything stand between you and what you want.” You observe, noticing the look in his eyes but you can’t put your finger on it.

“I did at one time.” He confesses, shame filling him. “It almost cost me everything I cared about. It did cost me for a long time.” He frowns at the fact that he had overlooked. Lucas had told him you were dead. Instead of focusing on that, he looks at you and grins. “Want to go jump off the cliff? See if it jogs your memory?”

Your eyes widen, “really?” You can’t deny you’re excited to jump off of a cliff. Alejandro has brought your clothes by earlier, so you are wearing a sundress to combat the heat you don’t care about getting it wet. “Let’s do it. Let’s do it.” You grip his hand, adrenaline already flowing through you.

His brow furrows and he gets an intense look on his face before he looks back behind the two of you. Pushing up close to you and lean in to whisper harshly in your ear. “Don’t look behind you, we are being followed.” He tells you urgently, coming up with a scenario on the spot. “When I count to three, sprint to the car. We need to get out of here!” 

“One…” He says and you frown, wondering what he was doing until you realize what he is up to. You grin, tugging on his hand after he counts to three.

“Quick. Shit. They are still following us. Come on, we need to get to the car. Come on!” You sprint to the Jeep, squealing when you get inside of it, and Javi puts the car in drive, the tires kicking up dust as he speeds away. You turn to look behind you, “hurry Javi. They are gaining on us.” You play along, realizing how insane this is but you’re desperate for your memories, you’d do anything to get them back.

I don’t know if I can lose them!” Javi cries, jerking the wheel from side to side like he is trying to out maneuver a car behind him. Even though the road is clear. “Do you trust me?” He demands, looking over at you while still speeding up the mountain. He knows the road well enough that you are not in any danger. 

“What?” You ask, confused. 

Do you trust me?” He demands again, more harshly this time. 

Yes! Yes I do.” 

Javi nods and looks back at the road, stomping on the gas even harder, engine revving and the jeep speeding up. “When we get to the top, we are going to run to the left. You stay with me!” He tells you, gritting his teeth and looking in the rearview mirror. 

You nod, trying to be serious, and when the car squeals to a stop, you get out of the Jeep and run alongside Javi as you make your way through the bushes. When you approach the cliff, you come to a stop, heart pounding in your chest. “Javi. I- I don’t think I can do this.” You tell him, gripping his hand as fear threatens to overwhelm you.

“You have to!” Javi shouts, squeezing your hand and giving you a pleading look before he frantically looks behind him. “They are going to kill you. And I - I can’t lose you again!” He isn’t actually acting in that last line but he pushes forward. “I love you!” He confesses, panting out the words and his eyes widen, surprised himself that it came out. 

You know he’s just acting, going along with the act, you cup his cheek with your free hand. “Then let’s jump!” You shout, dragging him towards the cliff and he runs alongside you until you are dropping down into the sea. Your hand disconnects from Javi’s when you hit the water. It’s cold but not freezing, making you gasp when you come back up from under the water. “Oh my God! Fuck. Did we - did we just do that?” You laugh, splaying your arms out as you keep yourself above water.

Javi laughs, watching you as he treds water. “We did. We jumped.” He gasps out and the urge to pull you towards him for a kiss is almost overwhelming but he doesn’t. “How do you feel?” He asks, interested in learning if there is anything that you’ve remembered. 

You giggle before you wince, your head throbbing. You struggle to continue swimming so you cling to him, gasping at the pain in your head. “Estrella! What is it? What’s wrong?” He asks, trying to keep you both afloat as he looks at you in concern. 

“Shit. I don’t know. My head hurts.” You close your eyes, hating the pain that feels like someone is putting pressure on your brain.

He guides you towards the rocks, slowly while you gasp in pain and wishing he could ease your pain. “Easy, Estrella.” He murmurs softly, making sure that you don’t go under the waves while you are struggling with the headache. “Focus on my voice.” He coos. “Focus on my words. Remember when you were 13? You were embarrassed that you couldn’t swim with me. Kept resisting getting in the pool.” His hand squeezes your hip gently. “You were having cramps and I got you a heating pad for your stomach while we watched Lilo and Stitch.”  

You chuckle, the pain fading slightly and you cling to him as he guides you towards the shore. “I’m sorry Jav. I don’t remember - I still don’t remember that. I wish I could remember.” You say as you stumble through the waves, his arm wrapped around your waist and you fall onto the sand, your head still pounding. You drag Javi down on top of you by accident, your eyes meeting his as you inhale deeply, your headache fading.

It’s like something from a movie. Laid out on a beach after coming out of the water and looking down into the eyes of the woman he loves. Reaching up, Javi caresses your cheek, rubbing his thumb over your lips. He wants to kiss you, wants nothing more than to press his lips to yours. “Beautiful.” He whispers.

You anticipate him kissing you, closing your eyes as you wait for his lips to press against yours. Before his lips can meet yours, a voice calls out his name. You fluster, gently pushing on Javier’s chest to stand up, brushing the sand from your sundress that is soaked through. By the time you have gotten yourself together, the man is in front of you.

“Lucas.” Javi looks at his cousin, watching his eyes widen in surprise before a broad, unpleasant smirk comes over his face and he says your name. “What a surprise.” He opens his arms and pulls you into a hug and has Javi shifting nervously. “It is good to see you. It’s been a long time, eh?” He huffs, grinning even more when he sees your confusion.

You don’t remember this man either but a shiver runs down your spine as he pulls away from you. “I, uh. I’m sorry, señor. I don’t remember you. I, um, I lost my memories.” You confess, pulling your water slick sundress away from your form. 

“Oh.Oh.” Lucas looks towards Javi, feigning sympathy as he realizes his plan had kind of worked. He’d wanted to kill you but you survived that fucking crash and now you’re back. He thought you’d be gone if you forgot about his lovesick cousin.

Javi moves closer to you and pats your shoulder. “It is okay, Estrella.” He tells you before he looks over at Lucas. “What did you need me for, primo?” He asks, unsure of why Lucas is here. There wasn’t a meeting scheduled, not that he was actually involved with the business. He was merely the figurehead. The face of the business.

Lucas smiles, holding up his hands, “I just wanted to see if the rumor was true that your Estrella had returned to the compound.” Lucas reaches for your hand, “I have to return to work but it was a pleasure to see you again.” He kisses the back of your hand and you shiver, trying to resist the urge to tear your hand out of his grasp. 

“You too…I guess.” You chuckle nervously and he lets go of your hand before walking away. You watch him go, the hairs at the base of your neck standing up. 

Javier stares at his cousin before he sees you shiver. “Come on Estrella, l’ll get you back to the villa and out of those clothes.” You turn to look at him, eyes wide. “No. I mean, I will take you back to the villa so you can change into some dry clothes.” He amends, a blush on his cheeks.

Javi bites his lip, happy when you nod although he wishes he was actually undressing you. He’s not a virgin, he’s had relationships and lovers since you’ve been gone, although he’s never had that spark with anyone like he’s had with you. “Let’s go back to the jeep.” He murmurs, placing his hand on your back and guiding you back to the path. “I’m sure Mr. Cage will be anxious to start working on the script.”

Nic has pestered Javi all day about his favorite movies while working on ideas for the script. Of course the first two are Cage movies. You are in Javi’s movie room, amazed by the memorabilia and you raise your eyebrows at the golden guns held by the figure of Nic. “Is this supposed to be me? It’s…grotesque. I’ll give you $20,000 for it.” Nic offers, making you giggle as Javier’s jaw drops, staring at his favorite actor. 

“Come on boys, movie time. We need some inspiration.”

Javi looks over the memorabilia and hums. “We should do our story.” He comments, looking over at you and biting his lip. “The friendship of two men who come together in unusual circumstances.” He tilts his head. “With a love story woven in. Have to have a good love story.”

You nod, “everyone loves a good bromance and a romance.” You joke, making Javi laugh and Nic chuckles, nodding his head. 

“I think we need some wine.” Javi declares and walks over to the wall of wine he stores here. He expertly opens a bottle, handing you and Nic a glass before pouring with a heavy hand. “Thank you. Can you just stop stalling and answer the question. What is your third favorite movie of all time?” Nic asks impatiently. You and Javi have both been avoiding the question all day and you are aching to know his answer. 

Javi stands up straight after getting his own glass, staring at you and Nic. You both answer at the same time, “Paddington 2.” Your eyes widen, unable to believe that his third favorite movie is also yours. 

“What?” Nic looks between you both as Javi sits down next to you. “Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Paddington 2. Connect those dots. I mean, I don’t want to be a snob but-” Javi blushes as he looks at you before answering. 

“I cried through the entire thing and it made me want to be a better man.” He confesses, making you look at him in surprise. 

“I just thought it was a cute movie.” You confess, not having anything more meaningful to say. 

“Bullshit!” Nic waves his hands.

Javi shrugs. “Watch it again and you will see.” He demands, gesturing to the movie room that is by his collection. “Let’s watch it right now.” He suggests moving over to the door and opening it up. “Estrella? What do you say?”

You are in awe of the movie room, the back of your mind tingling with something familiar about it, and you inhale sharply when a sharp pain enters your head. Javi rushes forward to cup your cheeks, “are you okay, Estrella?” You nod, looking into those beautiful brown eyes. Nic watches, intrigued by the way Javi gently cradles your head, concern furrowing his brow, and before he can say anything, you push Javi away. 

“I’m fine. I’m fine. Let’s watch the movie.” You say, a smile on your face.

Rushing around the room, Javi sets up the movie to play and tries to be a good host. “Beer? Soda? Popcorn?” He asks, motioning to the concession area behind the sofas and reclining seats. “We have everything a movie theater would have plus gummy worms.” He smiles at you. “Always your favorite during movies.”

“Beer is good for me, Jav.” Nic says and settles down in the seat. You turn to see Javi already getting you your favorite soda - Bitter Rosso - and some gummy worms. 

“My favorite.” You echo his earlier words, surprised he knows, and you take them from his hands before settling down in the plush chairs as Javi hits play on the movie and dims the lights.

He sits by you, a little nervous because  it’s been so long since he’s been here with you. Splitting his attention between you and the screen, wanting this to be perfect for you. The fact that you love Paddington 2 is just another thing that makes him smile and regret not seeing you over the past ten years. Imagining seeing it with you for the first time. “Here it comes.” He whispers when the movie starts, wiggling down into his seat.

The movie begins and you chuckle, looking over at Javi every few minutes to see his reaction and your heart flutters at the way his eyes crinkle at the corner, you can’t deny that you like him. Despite him telling you he’s known you since you were six, you like the man he is today. You just wish you could remember him. The gummy worms are gone and you are getting sleepy after an eventual couple of days. Your eyelashes flutter as you try to stay awake but eventually fall asleep halfway through the movie, your head leaning on Javi’s shoulder.

Javi watches you more than the movie. His eyes drifting over to you every few seconds as you slump against him, eventually angled so that he just moves you slightly so you can lay down across him. His entire body tingling with pleasure as you sigh and cuddle his thigh, still asleep. Wrapping an arm around you and keeping it respectful, just to insure you don’t roll off the sofa, he completely abandons the pretense of the movie and just stares down at you in awe.

You blink, the bright light from the rolling credits on the screen wake you up along with the music, and you are reluctant to move from the comft position you are in. You hear sobbing coming from the other side of Javi, tilting your head to see Nic Cage crying, before you look up at Javi. “Hey.” You greet him lazily. 

“Hey.” He smiles, stroking your side. You realize after a moment that you fell asleep on him. 

“Oh shit. Sorry. I didn’t - I didn’t mean to fall asleep on - on you.” You rush out, head fuzzy as you sit up.

“It’s okay.” Javi assures you, unhappy that you pulled away but he understands it. “You were peaceful.” He looks over at Nic and notes the tears on the other man’s face. “Didn’t I tell you?” He asks, happy that rewatching it with a new perspective has touched the actor.

Nic wipes his eyes, “Paddington 2 is incredible.” He assesses, making Javi nod. “I fucking told you." 

You chuckle, shifting to stand up, stretching from the curled up position you were sitting in. You feel Javier’s eyes on you and you turn to look at him, offering him a lazy smile. "Paddington has a new fan.” You joke, watching Nic rub his nose after he sniffles.

Nic nods and looks over at you and Javi, eyebrow lifting at the previous cozy scene. Javi flushes and rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Now that you’ve seen it, we can work on a heartfelt movie. Something that makes people feel what you just felt.” Javi murmurs, not wanting Nic to comment on you sleeping on him.

The next morning, after breakfast, you finally tell Nic what has happened to your memories. “So you’re telling me that you don’t remember Jav at all? Wow.” Nic shakes his head, noticing the hurt look in his friend’s eyes. “Well Jav, we have a story for our movie. Hero’s girl loses her memories of him.” 

You fluster at that, realizing what he’s implying and you shake your head. “I wish I could remember. Everything he’s told me…it seems idyllic. I wish I could just remember even one thing.” 

Javi suddenly comes up with an idea. “What if…what if we take drugs? LSD. See if that jogs your memories?” He suggests.

You hesitate, biting your lip. “I’m not sure…”

Javi holds up the vial of LSD. “We will do it with you.” He promises, looking over at Nic. 

The other man winces. “I don’t know.” 

Javi huffs. “Come on, you know you want to.” He tells him, looking over at you. “Estrella, I won’t let you be alone doing this.”

You know that you’re willing to do anything to get your precious memories back so you nod, “okay. Let’s do it.” Nic grins, shaking his fists in excitement. You stick your tongue out so Javi can put a few drops on your tongue before he does the same to Nic and finally himself. “I don’t feel anything. Do you- woah.” You blink rapidly, seeing Javi’s eyes get wide.

The world expands into brighter, more vivid colors and Javi looks over at you with a smile. “Estrella.” He murmurs, thinking that you look exactly like your nickname, shining like a gorgeous star in the sky. “Do you feel it?” He asks, brow furrowed as he leans in. He wants to know if you still feel something, anything for him.

You wonder what he means when he asks that and you nod, “yes. Yes. I feel it. I feel it.” You can’t help but reach out to cup his cheek, admiring how his stubble feels against your palm. You aren’t getting your memories back but the way you are feeling makes you feel like you are in love with Javi. “Shit. This is good. Good for - for movie ideas.” Nic says dazed.

“Let’s go for a drive.” Javi suggests, reaching up to trap your hand under his. He looks over at Nic to see what the other man thinks about the idea. “We can go to the village, sit and observe people and go through the ideas.”

The feel of the simple kiss on the back of your hand has your heart thumping in your chest. You lean closer to him as he stands with the sun shining down onto his beautiful curls and you say “you are so fucking beautiful“ Javi blushes and you smile. 

Nic coughs and smiles at the two of you. “Tell me how you met this beautiful girl, Jav.” He demands before he lifts his brows. “We need it for the script of course.” 

Javi bites his lip and he looks over at you. “She was running through the olive grove.” He tells Nic. “I was hiding from my father. Avoiding a lecture on what it meant to be a Gutierrez and she tripped over me where I was reading. Pouted up at me and demanded I read her my book to make up for making her fall.”

You smile, wishing you could remember. “Perfect. Fucking perfect. That’s the opening of the movie right there.” Nic claps before pointing his fingers at you and Javi. “Jav.” Nic glances around, “do these people look…suspicious to you? It feels like they are watching us.”

Javi goes to turn his head and Nic hisses “don’t look right at them!” Javi starts laughing, like he told a joke and turns his head, looking straight at them and he gets spooked when they look over. “They are! What do we do?” He panics. Looking at you he knows he needs to keep you safe. “Estrella, you need to stay with me, no playing this time.”

Your eyes widen and you grab his hand, glancing back towards the men. “Don’t look.” Nic hisses, “on the count of three. We run.” He whispers dramatically and you nod. “One…two…three!” Nic shouts and takes off. You run ahead of Javi, letting go of his hand and you scream when you hear a thud and spin around to see Javi sliding off the hood of a car. “Shit. You okay?” You ask, rushing over and he nods, stumbling to stand up before he sprints to catch up with Nic.

The three of you run down a path and come to a stone wall. Javi looks around frantically before he gets down onto his hands and knees. “Use me to get up.” He demands, looking up at Nic. “We have no time.”

Nic nods, using Javi to get up onto the wall and he reaches for your hand to help you. “But - but who’s gonna help you get up the wall? You go first.” You tell Javi, knowing you couldn’t lift him up. “You need to go first.” You tell him, “you go.” You reach up to cup his cheeks, “you gotta keep Nic safe.”

“No.” He shakes his head and stares are you somberly. “You go, I need you to live. I cannot-“ He chokes off what he was going to say and instead gets back down on the ground. “Hurry up!” He shouts. “Nic! Help her up!”

You shake your head, knowing you can try and get Nic to help him if you try and go around Nic on the wall. You take Nic’s hand and hoist yourself up onto the wall, looking down at Javi. “Nic. Help him!” You order, sitting over here wall while Nic lays on his stomach, reaching for Javi. You can hear them now, footsteps in the distance.

Javi reaches up and grabs Nic’s hand, the other man struggling to pull him up the wall. “Y-you’re heavier…than you look.” He pants, making Javi nod seriously as he tries to pull himself up higher. 

“I have a big head.” His grip slips and he falls the three feet back to the ground on his back, knocking the breath out of him for a second.

Javi scrambles to get up, “you go. You go!” He shouts at you and Nic. 

You shake your head, “no. No. We aren’t leaving you." 

Javi shakes his head, "you need to go. You need- I can’t watch any harm come to you. You need to go. Now!" 

Nic begins to cry, slamming his hands on the wall. "I’ll never forget you Jav." 

Javi’s lower lip trembles as he looks between you and Nic, "I’ll never forget you, Mr. Cage. Estrella. I - I lo- I need you to go. Now you get the hell out of here. You go!” He shouts, glancing behind him when he hears footsteps. You have tears in your eyes as you hit the ground on the other side of the wall. Nic standing beside you, and you glance over to see Javier’s head poking around the side of the wall. “Mr. Cage. Estrella.” He calls out.

Javi!” He walks around the wall and you throw yourself it to his arms, happy that he won’t be left to die. Javi huffs out a happy sound and squeezes you tight. “We live to fight another day.” He murmurs, tucking his head into your neck and inhaling your scent while closing his eyes before he pushes away. “We still need to leave.”


“My fucking wife and daughter are here!” Nic growls, furious as he confronts Javi. 

“I thought it would be nice for them to see Mallorca and maybe you can reconnect with them here while we write the script.” Javi suggests, tilting his head. 

“Forget the fucking script. My family - shit. Shit!” Nic hisses, panicking to try and figure out what to do now that this mafia psycho has his family. You probably haven’t even lost your memories, you’re probably in on it all. “This is insane”

“Bullshit.” Javi narrows his eyes, grabbing the gun from the tray and he turns towards Nic as he clicks the gun into place. “Do not lie to me!” Javi growls, “Do. Not. Lie TO ME!” Javi roars, stepping closer to Nic.

“Jav..” Nic raises his hands, wondering if he’s going to die. 

“Do you know how to hit the target?” Javi asks suddenly calm as he walks towards the actors “Control your heart.” He swings the shotgun up and fires at the target, destroying it. While he might not be the man his father wanted for a son or Lucas though could run the business, Javi was not a weakling. He would do what it takes to protect you.

Nic holds his hands up, “what the fuck, man?” His eyes are wide. 

“You’re not being your true self” Javi accuses him, knowing that Lucas will ruin his life if the script isn’t a success. He will also be forced to admit to Lucas that he was right. Dreaming of Hollywood was stupid and his dream is over. “Do not mess with me! Tell me the truth!” He yells.

Nic nearly sighs in relief that Javi isn’t talking about the CIA. “I-“ his shoulders slump and he drops his hands. “You’re right.” He looks into the man’s eyes and feels like they got it wrong. This man isn’t a killer, crazy, but not a killer. “I’ve been…neglectful.” He admits softly. “My daughter doesn’t want to spend time with me. I’m selfish.” He quotes.

“You just need to connect with her. Spend time with her and get to know what she likes. It will be okay man.” Javi promises, setting the gun down and he pulls Nic into a hug. The two men return to the house and Javi wants to find you but Lucas interrupts him, asking him to come for a chat. “¿Todo bien, primo?” Everything okay, cousin? Javi asks Lucas, frowning as they enter the room and sit down at the table.

Lucas gives him a smirk and pours him a bowl of cereal, taking a few bites and studying his cousin. Javi’s been distracted since you’ve come back into the picture, more so than normal. “You’re friend, Nic Cage,” he spits slowly. “Is working for the CIA.” He tells him, making Javi’s eyes widen and he shakes his head. “Yes, it’s true.” Lucas gets up and walks around the table slowly, knowing he’s intimidating his weak cousin. “Maybe you are working for them too?” He asks, making Javi shake his head quickly. 

“No, primo, no.” 

“Yes.” Lucas grabs Javi roughly and drags him out of the chair and down onto the ground, forcing him to kneel as he pulls his gun out from behind his back and presses it against the back of his cousin’s head.

Javi shakes, his hands held up. “I- please Lucas. I’m not - I didn’t -” 

Lucas pushes the gun harder against his head. “Shut the fuck up! Your father thought you’re too fucking weak to handle anything. Always dreaming about movies and Hollywood. That girl would indulge your silly fantasises. She would’ve taken you away to Hollywood t
